How to Convert Gallons Per Minute to Other Units of Measurement
Gallons per minute (gpm) is a unit of volume used to measure the amount of liquid passing through a cross-sectional area over a specified time. This is sometimes also called flow rate. GPM is often used in irrigation applications to determine the amount of water a pump can deliver over a certain length of time.
GPM can be converted to other units of volume such as cubic feet per second and liters per minute using the appropriate conversion value. The equation for converting gallons to liters is 1:1, meaning that 1 US gallon equals approximately 3.879 liters. This can be helpful when converting data from one unit of measurement to another for reporting purposes.
This calculator will convert the gallons per minute to other units of volume. To do this simply enter the number of gallons you wish to convert in the top of the form and then select from the list. The selected volume will be displayed in the bottom of the form.
There are many different units of measurement in the world, some of which are widely used and others which are less popular. Agricultural producers in many parts of the world use Metric (also known as SI) units rather than English (also known as Imperial) units for their routine water measurements. Common Metric volume units include the liter and cubic meter, while common Metric flow units are liters per second and cubic meter per hour. To convert from English units to Metric units, simply enter the appropriate values into the calculator above and click “Calculate.” The results will be automatically converted for you. gpm to lpm