How to Turn Off Live Notifications on Facebook iPhone

How to Turn Off Live Notifications on Facebook iPhone
If you are a frequent Facebook user, you may have noticed that you have been receiving notifications from your friends when they live stream. This isn’t a great thing, and it can be quite annoying.
Fortunately, you can easily turn off Facebook Live notifications in just a few steps. It’s just a matter of knowing where to look.
How to Turn Off Live Notifications on Facebook
When you’re constantly on the go, Facebook notifications can be annoying. They can interrupt you while you’re trying to work or relax, or they can cause you to miss important events that you care about. Luckily, there are several ways to stop notifications from interrupting your life on Facebook.
One of the most common problems is that Facebook will send you notifications whenever your friends or pages are going live. This can be a big nuisance, especially if your friends frequently go live or if they’re doing something incredibly inappropriate.
If you want to turn off Facebook live notifications, you can do so on your computer or even your mobile device. The process is easy and it will stop you from getting any notifications when someone goes live on Facebook.
In order to do this, you need to access the Facebook app’s settings. You can do this by tapping on the menu arrow in the top right of your screen, then select “Settings” and finally, choose “Notifications”.
Once you’ve done this, you should see an option for “Allow Notifications on Facebook.” Tap this and set it to off. This will stop you from receiving any notifications when your friends use Facebook Live, and it will also stop you from receiving any live videos from any page you follow.
How to Turn Off Live Video Notifications
Facebook recently launched a new feature called “Facebook Live” which lets users broadcast their lives in real time. As a result, many people are receiving notifications that their friends are streaming live videos. This is a great way for Facebook to drive more traffic to its site, but it can also be annoying if you’re not interested in watching your friends’ live streams.
It’s easy to disable Facebook Live video notifications on iPhone and Android devices. You just need to make a few changes to your mobile phone’s settings.
For starters, you’ll need to turn off the feature that allows Facebook to use your camera and identify your face. If you’re not comfortable with Facebook using your face to recognize other people, this is easily disabled by logging into the website or app and clicking on Settings & Privacy > Face Recognition in the left-hand menu.
Another setting you may need to change is the one that says “Allow notifications from Facebook.” This can be turned off if you don’t want to receive any more messages on your phone. You can do this by adjusting the “Allow Notifications on Facebook” slider in your iOS or Android device’s mobile Settings.
While you’re in your mobile Settings, you can also enable or disable the “Low Power Mode” that tries to save battery power by limiting the amount of data your phone uses. You can do this by tapping the “Low Power Mode” tile on your home screen, then tap the option that says “Turn on.”
If you don’t want to get any more notifications from Facebook, you can also turn off its push notification features. These notifications are sent when you use the Facebook app to send or read messages, and they’re usually delivered via your phone’s background data plan. This isn’t a good idea, though, because it can slow your phone down.
In the end, you should be able to turn off Facebook live notifications in just a few minutes on your computer or your mobile device. This will work across all of your devices and will stop them from sending you any more messages.
How to Turn Off Live Video Alerts
Facebook recently launched a new live video streaming feature called “Facebook Live,” which sends notifications to you when any of your friends or Pages that you follow go “live.” This can be annoying and even scary, especially if your friend is using the service to stream a particularly nasty or incriminating event.
If you don’t want to get a notification when a friend goes “live” or any Page that you follow starts a live video, there are a few ways to turn off Facebook Live notifications from your iPhone. First, you can turn off these notifications globally on your account by turning off the Allow Notifications on Facebook slider in Settings.
The next way to do this is by going to a page that uses Facebook Live regularly, and navigating to their settings. Here, you’ll be able to disable Facebook Live notifications for that page by tapping the three-dot button in the top right corner and choosing Edit Notifications Settings.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll see a section that says, “Select which types of notifications you’d like to receive.” Tap the Video tab. Here, you can set the notifications to “Off.”
You’ll also be able to toggle off notifications about tags, birthdays, people you may know, and more. In addition, you can also set these notifications to be sent only in push, email, or SMS.
There’s no easy way to turn off Facebook Live videos altogether, though. It’s possible that the social network will add this feature in the future, but until then, you can do it yourself from your iPhone.