What Is an Off Line Cooling System?
The cooling system in your car is a vitally important part of keeping the engine running at its optimal temperature. If the engine becomes too hot, it will wear out more easily and may emit harmful pollutants. The cooling system keeps the engine cool by removing heat through a radiator and a fan. There are a number of different types of cooling systems that are used on cars and trucks, and each has its own set of functions.
A cooling system consists of a water block, pump, radiator, pipes, and, if necessary, a reservoir. The pump pushes the liquid through the system, and the radiator and fans remove heat from the liquid as it passes through. Often, an anti-fouling solution is added to the liquid to keep bacteria or algae from growing in the radiator. The radiator can be either a hard or flexible tube type, and the pipes can be made of steel or aluminum. The reservoir holds extra water to increase the capacity of the cooling system.
To prevent the liquid from overheating, a thermostat is installed in the cooling system. Once the thermostat reaches a specific temperature, it opens a valve to allow the coolant to flow through the radiator. If the coolant in the radiator is still above the predetermined temperature, the thermostat closes and the coolant flows directly back to the engine.
An off line cooling system is designed to remove the excessive pressure pulses that would cause damage or premature failure to a radiator, especially in situations where the vehicle is running in stop and go traffic on a hot day. These coolers are usually a combination of an air blast cooler and a hydraulic oil cooler. The air blast cooler takes in air from the outside, which then passes through a filter and then is pumped back into the hydraulic oil cooling circuit. The hydraulic oil cooler takes in the lubricant from a tank and pumps it through a series of internal cooling fins to reduce its temperature before returning it to the hydraulic system.
A cooling system is an essential component of any vehicle or truck. A vehicle’s engine works best at a high temperature, but it must be kept below the critical operating temperature to avoid overheating. The cooling system is responsible for keeping the engine cool, and it also has other functions, such as reducing the noise produced by the radiator cooling fan. If the cooling system fails, the engine will overheat, causing expensive and dangerous problems. Regular maintenance can extend the life of your cooling system. This includes a periodic check of the radiator cap to ensure it is not cracked or broken, as well as a recharging with a mixture of water and antifreeze. The correct mixture varies between vehicles and climates, and the owner’s manual should provide the proper procedure for your vehicle.